Screen resolution fingerprinting is perceived as one of the most vital factors made in browser fingerprints. Discover it through this article.
1. The introduction of screen resolution fingerprinting
Screen resolution: How many pixels are present throughout a display or the full screen is expressed by its resolution. The highest resolution of a given display will be determined by how well it can physically concentrate light. For instance, a 15-inch 640x480 screen will have about 50 dots per inch resolution. (Source: TechTarget)
Screen resolution fingerprinting: It is a method used to collect information about a user's screen resolution when they visit a website or application on the network. Depending on the resolution, web page elements may be displayed differently, such as images, fonts, or the size of web page elements. This information can be used to identify the features of the user's computer or mobile device, and thereby generate a browser fingerprint for that user.
Screen resolution fingerprinting
2. How does screen resolution fingerprinting work and what information does it collect?
2.1. Methods of working
Screen resolution fingerprinting's information collection methods include using JavaScript and HTML5 to measure the user's screen resolution. However, this technique can be affected by many factors such as pixel density, screen ratio, and browser display. This leads to the crawl results not being 100% accurate, but the accuracy of this technique is still high enough to be used for advertising and website optimization purposes.
2.2. Data collection technique of screen resolution fingerprinting
The methods include:
1. Javascript: Websites may use Javascript codes to collect information about the user's screen resolution. These codes can use objects like screen.width, screen.height to get information about the screen size.
2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): Websites can also use CSS to collect screen resolution information. Techniques such as media queries or viewport units can be used to determine the user's screen resolution.
3. Flash: Previously, Flash was used to collect information about the user's screen resolution. However, after Adobe announced the end of Flash support in 2020, this method has been deprecated.
4. WebGL (Web Graphics Library): WebGL is a browser technology that allows 3D graphics to be displayed on the user's screen. This technique can use information from WebGL to determine the user's screen resolution.
3. Why is screen resolution fingerprinting considered an important security issue?
3.1. The purpose of screen resolution fingerprinting
It can cause significant security problems, including:
1. Taking advantage of account intrusion: With these details, hackers can easily determine the browser type and its version, thereby looking for security holes. of the browser. They can then use those vulnerabilities to attack users' computers and hack into online accounts.
2. Tracking online activity: With screen resolution information, attackers can determine the size and shape of a user's browser. From there, they can track a user's online activity, including the websites the user visits and the personal information entered into those sites.
Therefore, preventing screen resolution fingerprinting is very important to protect users' personal information online.
3.2. Some ways to prevent
To prevent screen resolution in fingerprint, users can take the following measures:
1. Use browser extensions: Browser extensions like Privacy Badger or uBlock Origin can help by blocking requests to access the user's screen resolution.
2. Use antidetect browser: With many outstanding features such as automation, Genlogin antidetect browser can help lessen this by blocking user requests to access screen resolution information.
3. Update software and browser regularly: Updating software and browser regularly will help minimize browser security holes, thereby reducing the risk of being attacked by bad guys taking advantage of vulnerabilities. security hole.
4. Conclusion
As previously stated, we have provided full information about the definition, how it works as well as some measures to prevent screen resolution fingerprinting. Hopefully, users can combine multiple methods to improve security.